Who We Are

NTA has been building capacity and friendships between Australia and Indonesia for over 27 years. With the support of our donors, volunteers and sponsors, NTA can claim to have made a significant difference to the livelihoods, health and education of over 10,000 people in one of the poorest regions of the world. This is the East Nusa Tenggara Province of Indonesia (NTT) immediately to the north of Australia.

You can help us help people to lift themselves out of dire poverty and combat malnutrition in NTT with access to clean water and good sanitation and increased incomes through successful agricultural enterprises. You can help kids get to school as well.

Would you or your organization like to be a part of this success story?

In 2014-15 the NTA’s achievements included:

  • 193 small cooperatives (kelompoks) assisted with income-earning activities
  • 130 ferro-cement water tanks and 88 household toilets built
  • 281 vegetable farmers provided with seeds, other inputs and training
  • 440 cocoa farmers provided with seedlings, other inputs and training, supported by 13 demonstration farms
  • 80 teachers trained in the curriculum and accreditation system
  • 1987 books distributed to mainly primary schools
  • 280 scholarships provided to poor families to support school attendance

The NTA is an Australian not-for-profit NGO committed to improving livelihoods in the Indonesian province of NTT. The NTA collaborates in-country with local NGOs and government authorities and institutes, and engages the community by coordinating a consensus (known as ‘musyawarah’ in Indonesian) process where local people identify the most essential projects. This means that the people affected by the development have ownership of the processes, which are then overseen and regulated by NTA staff. Around 150 to 200 small activities are supported at any given time. These generall y fall into three program categories, namely;

  • Agricultural and other projects (including weaving of the region’s unique ‘ikat’ scarves) that help people to increase their incomes
  • Fresh water harvesting and use through the construction of off-roof rainwater tanks and wells to improve health outcomes and avoid the need for carrying water of long distances in the dry season as well as other small-scales infrastructure including fencing to control livestock, and provision of household toilets
  • Assistance to schools and their teachers with library books and training and the provision of scholarships for the children of very poor families to support school attendance