In July 2015 NTA commenced an in-depth review of its support to education activities. The review was led by David Lever, a member of the Operations Committee, and supported by Indonesian education expert Ibu Letje Inabuy.
The review team visited eight schools in Flores and nineteen schools in West Timor, and spoke with Education Department officials and NGOs operating in NTT to ensure coordination of efforts. The review team also conducted a literature review.
The review made wide ranging recommendations including to reduce expenditure on infrastructure and to place greater focus in areas including promoting higher teacher standards, the purchase of reading books, greater consultation with school committees and the review of scholarships.
This analysis builds on previous assessments of school book provision and library training and infrastructure conducted most recently in 2007, 2010 and 2013.
The report assessed the evolving context for education in Indonesia and in NTT more specifically; summarised NTA funding to education, by component, over the past three years and achievements in each area; and identified what was working well and areas for improvement in current projects.
The review will be considered by the Operations Committee and NTA Board to inform decisions regarding management of NTA’s education activities going forward.
The review was conducted on a voluntary basis and the NTA greatly appreciates the efforts of the review team. Vica Inabuy and Alfonso Rodriguez are also thanked for their contributions.