Monitoring Visit in Flores
NTA visits each project location twice a year with a joint monitoring team from Australia and Indonesia. The goal is to make sure the projects are all making good progress and inputs from the beneficiaries are received and acted upon in future planning of activities. This year, the COVID-19 pandemic made it impossible for the Australian team to join the monitoring visit. The NTA-Indonesia (NTA-I) team therefore started the monitoring visit on their own, and proved to be highly committed and skilful.
Read moreNovember Monitoring Visit
We are excited to announce that NTA - Indonesia (NTA-I) has started their monitoring visit in Eastern Indonesia.
Read moreIkat Weaving - Empower women through sustainable livelihoods
Traditional ikat weaving – empowering women is a critical part of lifting traditional communities from poverty. NTA has been working with women in Flores, Indonesia to improve the quality and marketing of traditional cloth to increase incomes. Last week 6 women from 3 community groups completed a workshop in the homestay of a trainer. They focused on enhancing the use of natural dyes, marketing and product diversification. To help us continue this important work with further training and equipment please donate to our Ikat appeal at
Read moreMid Year Appeal 2020
Dear NTA supporter,
As the end of the financial year approaches, there is no better time to make a tax-deductible contribution to NTA: East Indonesia Aid. Each contribution helps NTA implement critical measures to protect vulnerable people, such as the young girl below, from the impacts of COVID-19 in extremely poor communities of eastern Indonesia.
This year we are focusing our efforts on helping to reduce the spread of COVID-19.
The NTA and the people of Flores and West Timor will really appreciate your donation at this difficult time.
Donate here:
As always, we thank you for your continued and generous support.
Warm regards,
The NTA Team
October Library Training Session
Here are some photos from our latest Library Training session which took place last week (9-11 October) in Maumere, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia! Our Library Training program is funded by Australian Indonesian Association of Victoria. Read on to find out more!
The Bida Mitan Weaving Collective
The Bida Mitan Weaving Collective in Takaplagar village, just outside Maumere, Flores, is a group of around 30 women who are working hard to preserve their traditional textile art - kain ikat. Click on the link below to learn more about the incredible skill of these women, and the efforts of organisations like the NTA: East Indonesia Aid to help them preserve their invaluable knowledge, and support their communities!
Read more2017/2018 Annual Report
NTA is delighted to share with you our 2017/2018 Annual Report.
We have had another successful year of delivering agriculture, education and water and sanitation projects to the people of Nusa Tenggara Timur and hope you'll take a moment to see more details of our work.
If you would like to make a donation to support our ongoing work, you can do so here.
Don't Forget Your End of Financial Year Donation
Dear NTA supporter,
It’s getting colder as winter approaches, but warm hearts can achieve anything! There is no better time to make a tax-deductible contribution to NTA: East Indonesia Aid.
Each contribution will be used to help fund the Cocoa Field Day and help improve vital community consultation meetings for the extremely poor communities of Eastern Indonesia.
Above: Farmers are absorbed in the technical demonstrations for improving cocoa production.
Read moreACFID Interview with Dr. Colin Barlow
The Australian Council for International Development (ACFID) recently interviewed our President and Chief Executive Officer Dr. Colin Barlow about how NTA: East Indonesia Aid embraces sustainable development with our partners and communities. Click below to watch the entire interview.
Read moreTanks For Running
Yesterday, one of our members Bill Arthur completed his 23rd Canberra Marathon and his 65th overall marathon! What a fantastic effort! And to help celebrate the occasion, Bill sought sponsorship with the funds going to the NTA: East Indonesia Aid to build water tanks for poor farming communities.